Ardbeg An Oa
Ultimate 系列的一個受歡迎的新成員。 Ardbeg An Oa 非常圓潤,這在很大程度上歸功於我們新成立的定制橡木收集桶中花費的時間,
那裡有多種桶類型的威士忌 - 包括;甜蜜的佩德羅·西梅內斯;辛辣的處女燒焦的橡木;和濃烈的波旁威士忌酒桶等——讓彼此熟悉起來。
其結果是一款具有煙熏力的酒,並帶有令人愉悅、順滑的甜味。 Hallmark Ardbeg 泥炭、黑巧克力和茴香被包裹在柔滑、絲滑的奶油糖果、黑胡椒和丁香中,然後逐漸提升至強烈的風味。
非冷過濾,濃度為 46.6% ABV。
香氣: 圓潤的煙熏味——就像燃燒的蘋果木——帶有奶油太妃糖、茴香、糖漿和棗。
多汁水果的奇怪建議,例如桃子和香蕉。一滴水,讓人想起 Ardbeg 的經典香水——青檸、松脂、茴香、馬鞍皂和焦油。
溫和的蠟質,像芬芳的蠟燭蠟,還有淡淡的煙熏香草味。 Oa 帶有鹹味和海藻味,但總是伴隨著奶油味,
口感: 光滑的奶油質地帶來巨大的糖漿甜味,帶有牛奶巧克力、糖漿太妃糖、茴香、橙子和煙熏茶葉的味道。溫和、甜美的香料(肉荳蔻和肉桂)、一些雪茄煙味和一種非常不尋常的烤洋薊味道。木材總是存在於精神中,溫和的堅果味,讓人想起木匠的作坊。餘味悠長、甜美,帶有花香、薄荷太妃糖和一些溫和的麥芽餅乾味。
尾韻: 揮之不去,誘人,溫和而強烈,帶有茴香,山核桃和遙遠的微妙煙霧的味道。
A welcome new addition to the Ultimate range. Ardbeg An Oa is singularly rounded, due in no small part to time spent in our newly established bespoke oak Gathering Vat where whiskies from several cask types - including; sweet Pedro Ximenez; spicy virgin charred oak; and intense ex-bourbon casks, amongst others - familiarise themselves with each other. The result is a dram with smoky power, mellowed by a delectable, smooth sweetness. Hallmark Ardbeg peat, dark chocolate and aniseed are wrapped in smooth, silky butterscotch, black pepper and clove, before rising to an intense crescendo of flavour.
Non chill-filtered with a strength of 46.6% ABV.
Available in limited Ardbeg Embassies and whisky specialists from September 2017 (2018 in some countries).
Rounded and smoky - like burning Applewood - with creamy toffee, aniseed, treacle and dates. A curious suggestion of juicy fruits, such as peach and banana. With a drop of water, reminders of Ardbeg’s classic fragrance – lime, pine resin, fennel, saddle soap and tar. A gentle waxiness, like fragrant candle wax, and hints of smoked herbs. An Oa gives a final subtle reminder of the sea with briny notes and seaweed but always accompanied with creaminess.
A smooth, creamy texture leads into a huge syrupy sweetness, flavours of milk chocolate, treacle toffee, aniseed, orange and smoky tea leaves. Gentle, sweet spices (nutmeg & cinnamon), some cigar smoke, and a very unusual flavour of grilled artichokes. Wood is always present in the spirit, gently nutty and reminiscent of a carpenter’s workshop. A long, sweet finish, with floral overtones, mint toffee and some gentle malty biscuit notes.
Lingering, seductive, gentle yet intense, with flavours of aniseed, hickory and distant subtle smoke.
Country: Scotland